Hotel Ballast Resort
Wilmington, North Carolina
August 19-24, 2024
Rules and Instructions for Delegate
Dear Delegates:
On behalf of the over 14,000 members of the New Jerey Fraternal Order of Police, welcome to the 38 th Biennial Conference. We look forward to a productive and professional conference. Delegates
can contribute to the productivity of the conference in a number of ways. First and foremost, you can
contribute only if you are on the floor. Second, conference decorum will be strictly enforced. Third,meetings will start promptly. We have a lot to do and meetings must begin as scheduled in order to finish our work. Please participate and be courteous to our speakers.
The following are specific rules that will be enforced:
1. Speakers must identify themselves by name and lodge.
2. Speakers will be allowed to speakonly twice on the same subject on the same day. Further,
if there are delegates who have not had the opportunity to speak on an issues at all,
speakers may not get to speak on issues a second time.
3. There will be not meetings on or off the conference floor while the conference is in session.
If delegates or committees need to meet, there is time before and after the meetings.
4. Trading of pins or any other item must be done outside the meeting room.
5. There will be no breaks; we will try to conclude business by noon each day.
6. All delegates and alternates must wear appropriate badges while on the conference floor.
7. Roberts Rules of Order and the General Rules of Parliamentry Procedure will be strictly
8. You have been provided with a conference agenda. Please note the certain times that we will
While we commemorate our accomplishments at this conference, we look forward to tomorrow’screative ideas and dreams. I wish everyone a most enjoyable and productive conference.
Robert W. Fox
State President-
Conference Registration
8:00 AM to end of Business Session
9:00 AM CALL TO ORDER, State President, Robert Fox
A. Presentation of Colors Honor Guard – New Hanover County Sheriff’s Office
B. Opening Prayer State Chaplain, Jim McGuire
C. Opening the Conference Executive Vice President Bob Gries
D. The Pledge of Allegiance Conference Delegates
E. Roll Call of Heroes State Chaplain, Jim McGuire
F. Bag Pipes – Amazing Grace Sean Lavin, Mercer Lodge #140
Roll Call of Officers
Corresponding Secretary Jim Ford
Roll Call of Delegates will be done Thursday during Elections
Keynote Speakers
North Carolina State Fraternal Order of Police Vice President Robert Gaddy
New Hanover County Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy Jonathan Hart
National FOP President Patrick Yoes
Appointment of Conference Committees
President Fox and Executive Vice President Gries
1. Credentials Committee
2. Audit Committee
3. Election Committee
First Report of the Credentials Committee
Jim Ford, Chairman
Instructions on Introduction of Resolutions
Jack Smith, Chairman
Reading of the Minutes of the Last Conference
Reports of the State Officers
1. President Robert Fox
2. Executive Vice President Bob Gries
3. Vice President Jim Stewart
4. Corresponding Secretary Jim Ford
5. Treasurer George Kline
6. Recording Secretary Jim Troisi
7. Sgt. At Arms Ken Hawkins
8. Chaplain Jim McGuire
Report of the National Trustee
Kevin Vernon
Report of the Director of Membership Services
Report of the General Counsel
Roy Macaluso
Report of the Labor Counsel
Steve Richman
Report from the Grand Lodge – National Executive Board
Reports on Committees
1. Awards Committee Ed O’Hara
2. By-Laws Committee Jack Smith
3. Expansion Sean Lavin / Kevin Vernon
4. Labor Committee Amy Frenzel
5. Diversity Committee John Williamson
6. Legal & Financial Aid Committee George Kline
7. Solicitation Review Committee Kevin Vernon
8. Pension Committee Bob Gries / Marc Morgan
9. Sick & Vigil Committee Jim McGuire
10. George Bowman Fund Committee Bob Monahan
11. Polar Bear Plunge Committee Tracey Tift / Tracey Andino
Recess for the Day
Second Report of the Credentials Committee
Second Report of the Credentials Committee
Jim Ford
Nominations of State Officers
1. President
2. Executive Vice President
3. Vice President
4. Corresponding Secretary
5. Treasurer
6. Recording Secretary
7. Sgt. At Arms
8. Chaplain
At close on nominations each candidate may address the delegates. (In reverse order)
Conference Site Presentations
Report of the Site Committee
Continuation of Committee Reports
12. Legislative Committee Sean Lavin & Dr. Pete Guzzo
13. Tactical Committee, North Ken Hawkins
14. Tactical Committee, Central Bob Gries
15. Tactical Committee, South John Williamson
16. Ways & Means Committee Jim McGuire
17. PERC Committee Ken Hawkins
18. Education & Training Jim Troisi
19. Tom Fatigante Toy Drive Committee Rich Matlock
20. Disaster Relief Committee Kevin Vernon / Rich Matlock
21. Resolutions Committee Jack Smith
22. Compliance Committee Jim Ford
23. Scholarship Committee Jim Ford
24. Special Events Committee Bill Nagy
25. Election Committee Jim Sharrock
Recess for the Day
Report of the Labor Council
Amy Frenzel
Report of the Police Training Commission
Jim Sharrock
Report of FOP Chapter of the Deborah Hospital Foundation
Jim McGuire
Report of Heath & Wellness Committee
Jim Stewart
Report of Justice for All Committee
Corresponding Secretary Jim Ford
Unfinished Business
New Business
Good of the Order
Final Report of the Credentials Committee
Jim Ford
Roll Call of Delegates
Corresponding Secretary Jim Ford
Instructions of the Election Committee
Jim Sharrock
Final Report of the Election Committee
Jim Sharrock
Installation of State Officers
National FOP Officer
Recess for the Day